Thursday, May 15, 2014

Elizabeth The Virgin Queen

                      Elizabeth The Virgin Queen

Nowadays its easy and familiar to find women in the power and handling issues than 500 years ago was only for men.
Elizabeth was a independent and strong woman, she made for herself all things of her empire, furthemore she controled a very big one, and never had a problem with that.
Nowadays there are women like Elizabeth everywhere, they are taking the control of a lot of thing and do it  very well. The "Machista" vision its today a piece of the past.
All this is show in the movie like the reality and its like this. On the contrary part it was trying to create a relation ship between Elizabeth and a England Corsair, that part of the movie it wasn´t true, because a relationship between Elizabeth and a corsair was imposible.

1 comment:

  1. I think that a queen even a king , can do anything, but really , we'll never know.
    Queen Elizabeth was an inteligent women, so i think that she did whatever she want.
