Thursday, March 27, 2014

They don´t care about us - Michael Jackson

I chose this video because i think it is closely related to cultural diversity, in this video we can see one of the most popular areas of Brazil, which in my opinion is one of the most beautiful parts of the world, clearly show us the cultural diversity in Brazil, because while in some areas there are very rich people, we can see in this video the Favelas are a very poor area of this country.

This video was created and produced by Michael Jackson and is the fourth single on the History album, in which we can see different parts of the world and also shows many realities in the lyrics. The main things that attract my attention is how this video shows the people of the Favelas and police in the same place, as one part art and dance from brazil and in the other part are police watching everything that happens. Another thing is very attractive is the colors and symbols that are presented here, we can clearly see the presence of the colors green, yellow and red and different symbols of peace. But the most important thing that attract my attention it’s the dance because I think the dance can join the world, if we have dance, we have culture.

This video can be understand in different ways from the point of view you look at it because it shows the happiness reality of Brazil from the artistical vision with music and colors, and also shows the precarious lifestyles and the most ugly part of the country, where is drugs and crime.

I think when Michael Jackson says “they don´t REALLY care about us” shows the poor of importance given to this area of the country and as they are totally separated from society and from the world.

1 comment:

  1. When I readed your entry I remembered the song "Black and White", also written and interpreted by Michael Jackson, which promotes the racial unity and shows different cultures around the world, and it teaching us that no matter what is the color of your skin all of us are human beings.
    There is the link of "Black and White"
