Thursday, March 27, 2014

Guerra - Gondwana. Marcelo Vargas

I like this song of Gondwana becouse its mean of the bigger problem in the world, competition between all countryes of the world, the competition its a very serious problem, because it can make a lot of damage to all us. In this song was used a soft lenguage to say many thing that are terrible to say by other way.
It catch  the attention of the receiver with ideas than really make you think about this problem.
Quique Neira created this song in a conflict time for Europe with an African country, in order to the countries in conflict take consciencie.
With out some thing that Quique Neira says in this song it would be very difficult to understand, and no every body take consciencie with this song.

The creator of this song sing it on first person, in order to do the song more close to us, puting us on the place of the soldiers than had to leave home and let theirs familys to go to figth with their "Brothers" just for ambition of more power for side of thegovernment.

In a slice of the song the singer says "Yo no quiero ir a la guerra, porque la guerra nos da pena" its mean the pain than people feel with the war.

Thats my opinion about this song, I`m expecting your comments.

Marcelo Vargas

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